Dying And Living $1650
5 Day Workshop with Hemi-Sync™
Explore the Dying Process to be one of Awareness and Dignity through a close state of near death experience.
Based on the Monroe Institute’s Going Home Program * to live a more fulfilling life * to release fears of death * to know that you are more than your physical body * Helps family and friends to cope
This intensive 6-day workshop addresses the attitudes we currently have about death, both personally and as a culture, and to examines how we can work with those beliefs to bring more peacefulness and holistic intent to the way we live our daily lives. Alexandre Chaligne has incorporated the Going Home Program into a multi-faceted workshop that will help a person to live life more fully by bringing a more comprehensive and expansive consciousness of living and being into their day-to-day experience.
Workshop Objectives
The Dying & Living Program’s Purpose Is To:
We may think that we have plenty of time to get ready for that event, yet death has no timetable, it may choose to arrive in our life at any moment after being born. Early civilizations honored, revered, and even celebrated death as an important transition point in a soul’s evolution and ongoing experience of life here on Earth. There was much information and preparation available for those that knew they were getting ready to “cross over.” But as cultures became more involved in and identified with the form aspects of life here on Earth, we lost the sense of continuity, the feeling that who we really are exists both before and after the time that we inhabit this body we are currently in. We began to see our life as having a starting and a stopping point. This much more abbreviated view of who we really are tends to make us want to compress the meaning of who we are into that time span as well. And as the “end” begins to get closer and closer, or if we have a close brush with death through someone we know or some experience we have had, all of the questions and fears that this viewpoint generates start to surface.
The backbone of this workshop is the Going Home Program, developed by the Monroe Institute. It is designed to assist people to prepare and accept the transitioning process that we call death. Background on the Going Home Program Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, MD, a world famous authority on death and dying, and Charles Tart, PhD, renowned researcher of altered states of consciousness, collaborated with Robert Monroe to create this unique program. Internationally known for his books and research into expanded states of being and consciousness, his book, Life After Life, is widely read. He is the founder of the Monroe Institute, a facility that does research into levels of human consciousness. Several years ago, Monroe’s wife died of cancer. Experiencing her transition, as well as its impact on those who loved her, moved him deeply and motivated him into action. He worked to develop a way to assist people who are dying, as well as finding a way to support their loved ones, providing an understanding of the process for them during this time as well.
Workshop Prices
Program Price at our Riverton Retreat Center 2023
Regular Price: $2200 (5 day workshop)
Winnipeg Meditation Member Price: $1650
Location: Riverton Retreat Center, Manitoba, Canada
Facilitator: Alexandre Chaligne