Bio Energy Magic  $180
Learn about Chinese Traditional Medicine and your personal biorhythm to slow down your aging process.
Aging process starts as soon as you are born!
This workshop will introduce you to 3 Taoist Fundamentals. Mo Pai Nei Kung (sitting meditation), Thai Chi (standing meditation) and Chinese Medicine Biorhythm (food, exercises and lifestyle for your personal temperament)
This ancient training augments the innate potential of the human body through gathering and harnessing the two fundamental life-force energies known as Yin Chi and Yang Chi.
Contact Alex For More Information
Facilitator: Alexandre Chaligne
Phone: (204) 995-4580

Bio Energy Magic
- $180 -
Learn about Chinese Traditional Medicine and your personal biorhythm to slow down your aging process.
Aging process starts as soon as you are born!
This workshop will introduce you to 3 Taoist Fundamentals. Mo Pai Nei Kung (sitting meditation), Thai Chi (standing meditation) and Chinese Medicine Biorhythm (food, exercises and lifestyle for your personal temperament)
This ancient training augments the innate potential of the human body through gathering and harnessing the two fundamental life-force energies known as Yin Chi and Yang Chi.
Contact Alex For More Information
Facilitator: Alexandre Chaligne
Phone: (204) 995-4580