
Personal Consultations By Audio Recordings

Natal chart

Which is to review how planets and signs are distributed in your life, so you can diagnose what is your energy mission and what learning is most important for your evolution in this plane.

It is a very introspective review of your life as a tool of self-knowledge, it is not about reading the future, what I am looking for is to generate in the consultant a full awareness of their missions and their life tests, giving them tools for the management of their energies and challenges in life.


The Birth Chart is the initial reading and the most important one, since it generates the map or guide of life, a very intimate and personal letter that talks about each one of the learning missions. $120

The Solar Revolution Chart It rises during times close to birthdays or the return of the sun. It explains the ways in which energies will be experienced during an annual cycle. $120

Astral Transits Chart It corresponds to the planetary positions on a specific date, to determine the ways in which the energies of the universe are going to manifest. $120

The Pair Synapses Chart It corresponds to the lifting of two letters, superimposed letters to interpret what is the learning mission that two people have in their life processes. $120

Introduction Video Click Here

Contact Cesar or Alex To Schedule Your Session

Facilitator: Cesar Escalona