Introduction to Meditation with Alex
July 3, 2017/

This is a series of 11 classes (2 hours each) that will introduce you to relaxation, meditation, stress and anxiety relief.
These exercises use a progressive technique, along with special Hemi-Sync® audio signals, to gently guide you into a deep, receptive state of relaxation.
You will use this receptive state of relaxation as a “switch” to turn on your inner powers.
Gain greater confidence, success, and a whole new approach to live your life.
– increases your energy levels
– restores balance physically, emotionally and physiologically
– creates clarity
– calm fears, stresses and anxieties
– helps you learn to communicate more effectively with your body, emotions, mind and soul
– brings you to new level of consciousness
This level will lay the foundation for easy entry into profoundly relaxed levels of consciousness and explore methods to manage stress and to live in a state of joyfulness. Incredible tools are given to use in your daily life.
Starting Thursday September 14th at 5:00pm
Cost for 11 weeks is now only $210. Only 12 spaces available
To register or for more information: email Alex at
288 Marion Street 2nd floor